How Hayes
(Private Life, Latvia, November)
(Thanks Dace for sharing this)

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Singer Darren Hayes said in an interview one week ago that he tries to get to know every country and city that he visits, but Riga he left nothing from it seen.

Sightseeing of Riga, capital of Latvia, for singer staid away because unlike his crew who arrived one day before the concert, he refused to fly from Moscow to Riga with "Aeroflot" or "air Baltic" airplane. This was the reason why he flew from Moscow to Riga through the capital of Finland Helsinki with "Finnair".

30 years old singer arrived few hours before the concert and straight went to the concert hall Kipsala where thousands of screaming and fevered girls (their average age was 15 years) expected him. After 20 min long performance of supporting band, Darren came on the stage performing both his own songs and other hits of popular singers. As soon as resounded chords of last song at the official entrance started to assemble teens with hope to see their idol closer. After more then one hour freezing (many of fans went from concert hall wearing only tops and short skirts), crooning Darren's own songs, came out from hall few security guys who asked girls to step down.

Opposite planned Darren agreed to autograph for girls (there were not only fans from Latvia but also from Lithuania and Estonia) and cameraman who arrived with Darren's crew was filming all. After few minutes Darren got in BMW limo and went to the hotel "Radisson SAS Daugava" where the luxury room expected him. Darren spent all night in his hotel room, but his crew celebrated in the bar of hotel drinking champagne and eating French fries. The next morning they left Latvia.