Darren Hayes
(Bashnia Magazine, Russia, March)
(Thanks Yelena for sharing the scans and to Eva and Masha for the translation)

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From Eva: 2nd graphic, the large green block quote in the top part of the page is supposedly a quote from Darren's ex-wife saying, "darren is a freak with idiosyncracies and sex with him was always a dressup show."

Darren Hayes: a guy from a savage garden

This blue eyed blondie (used to be brunet in girlhood) bravely makes himself a solo way in the musical business. He's sweet, charming, sexi, talented. He's packed for his starry mission. Today his name still associates with the "Savage Garden" duet, but Darren is sure that very soon the name of the band will be just a small part of his history. Darren Hayes today - ambitions, grand plans and first successful steps to their realization. And also he's still the same big cutie. Why "same" and what he was like in the past? To find the answer let's make a journey to his past.

Childhood in a henhouse
The Australia continent is fruitful with many brilliant representatives of the musical Olympus. It was a home for Kylie Minogue, Nick Cave. INXS, Bjork. Also very noisy were the two modest guys, Darren and Daniel, who united under a fabulous name "Savage Garden". Darren Hayes was born in a normal Australian family on May 8, 1972. The Hayes family also consisted of Darren's elder brother and sister and two lovely baby kangaroos - a present from parents. It was Darren who got most attached to these redhaired nurslings. However, later they payed him back - the animals grew faster than the boy and after one of the games Darren got kicked by the kangaroo in his forehead. Next day the nurslings were sent to the forest reserve and Darren began looking for a new toy. One day he discovered his elder brother's useless electric guitar. Since that moment the words "silence" amd "peace" became a dream for the Hayes couple. "He'll be a musician" - his father grimased whenever he heard sounds that hardly reminded music. The love for music didn't spoil Darren's education. The boy's favorite subjects were zoology, biology and chemestry - in other words he was a botanist in all the meanings (in Russian slang the word botanist means a boring person). When he was 11 he stopped eating meat. Some people say it happened because of his great love for animals. Other version says it happened because he wanted to lose pounds - he had round face and was often teased and called a bulldozer.

Since he found no understanding of his music talents in his famly, after finishing school Darren decided to study medicine seriously - be either a vet or a teacher. His classmates didn't share his vegetarean ideas. Darren couldn't understand how the future science stars guzzled meat, drank alcohol, smoked hashish and had great orgies afterwards. He recollects: "there was no girl in our group who had't done an abortion. These kids were simple nerds". In other words, this life was very different from Darren ideals. The only thing that was his harmony was his creation. Music began to mean more and more for Darren and once he read the article in a local newspaper about an audition for musucians he decided to try.

A walk in "Savage Garden"

Darren didn't sing very well but he and Daniel clicked right away, and he was picked as the singer in a band called Red Edge. Soon after that, the guys that real quickly became friends got sick of singing other people's songs with Red Edge so they quit. They started their own band and at first called it Crush and later Bliss. They weren't very experienced in writing music but, as Daniel says, they were led by the desire to get success. They spent about a year in a home studio, have forgotten about everything else. As a result of the eight-month seclusion they recorded about 150 demos and sent them out to different record companies. Nobody liked them until they wrote the song "To the Moon and Back". This composition not only made them famous but also helped them find their style. All in writing music, they shared a one-room apartment and almost never climbed out. During this time Darren grew to love books and read the Anne Rice novel "Interview with vampire". Since childhood Darren enjoyed mystics and liked the fact that Anne Rice called our world the savage garden. This is how the band got it's third name. A crazy success was waiting for this band. Albums, tours, awards. However there's no need to talk about it now. Every good thing has it's end, and one day, no matter how much questions it brought, the duet broke up. Today, when asked about past, Darren says:" It all was destroyed! I loved Savage Garden and I'm proud with what I and Daniel achieved. We were recording songs for ten years but now it's over. This event isn't as sad as many say. He's got a record label and is doing what he always wanted to do. And I continue to creat music and develop my solo career. Last year I recorded an album and I'm very satisfied with that. "

Big individual Darren

When Darren was still in Savage Garden many people were already saying that the artist loves hiself too much. Some even say that the reason of the SG breaking up was Darren's unwillingness to share their fans. When Darren was asked if there's something he doesn't like in him. He was sincerally surprised and said: "In me? I think everything is perfect in me. When I was younger I wanted to be someone else, wanted to change something. But later I understood that nothing needs to be changed because beauty is not only your outside, but it goes from inside. So if I have an inner harmony I will look good, too. So my beauty is not only my round butt or beautiful blue eyes. It's the mixture or inneer and outer qualities." Yeah, his self esteem is much bigger than should be! As every creative personality, Darren likes to dream and swim in the clouds, Sometimes it gives him troubles:" Once I was almost arrested for speeding. I just bought a new car and was on my way from San-Fran to LA. I didn't even realese how fast I was going. But I found out that my speed was too high, cos the police officers were VERY mad at me! They not only wanted to fine me but also put me in prison - so much I was speeding! But finally they just let me go." He's lucky, what else can we say? Also Darren likes cartoon and fairy-tale characters. He was always a Star Wars fan. In his childhooh he had the whole collection of them, but one day he realised he's too old to play and sold this trash for 26$ but right now he's trying to get them all back. There were aslo gossips about Darren playing a small part in Episode II, but these were only gossips. Darren's great interest to every mystic thing is reflected in his faith in horoscopes and his own intuition:" I believe that it's important to believe your inner voice. He will never tell you wrong stuff. For example when your hair stands on end or you feel your spine itch - that's a bad sign!" When Darren feels depressed he acts like a female. His anti-blues is chocolate and shopping. But he has his "but's". He is not loyal:" For seven years I was a vegeterian but after an eightmonth tour I felt exhausted and my body needed something else than the vegetetian food. I finally understood that we are carnivores. If you can catch this, you can eat it". The best time he had was when he held his sister new born baby. Maternal instinkt? Probably women like Darren so much because they understand him as easy as themselves.

How to make Darren like you?

"I like dark hair and pale skin. Maybe I'm looking for myself. It's all about eyes and lips. You've got to have fat kissable lips. You see, I'm searching for myself! I've got fat lips and if you don't have similar lips then we don't have lip action. Bad breath is a no-no. So is hair under the arms. I'm sorry women - kill me, I'm sorry."

Full Name: Darren Stanley Hayes
Place of Birth: Brisbane, Australia
Date of Birth: 8 May 1972
Blood Type: II
Rhesus Factor: positive
Early Musical Influences: Michael Jackson
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 178cm
Foot Size: 42 (8)
Currently Lives in San Francisco, California
The First Sexual Experience: at age of 17
Favorite Food: "Usually healthy, low fat, simple and good. I love breakfast more than anything in the world. Oatmeal with fresh berries and yogurt with a fruit smoothie pretty much makes my day."
Favorite Coffe: soy vanilla latte, no coffeine
Favorite Place: his home
Favorite Place to Rest: home and Hawaii
Favorite Musical Artists: U2, Prince, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Steevie Niks (spelling?), Amy Mann(spelling?), Natalie Imbruglia (spelling?), Kid Loco (spelling?), Duran Duran, Eurothmics, Dido
Favorite Song: "The best song ever written is "With Or Without You" by U2."
Favorite Song he has written: Good Enough
Favorite Actors: Harrison Ford, James Stuart, Grace Kelly, Natalie Portman, Ellen DeGeneres,
Favorite Color: I like blue but except aqua
Favorite Time-speniding in Spare Time: Yoga, cooking, looking for something new, shopping, dig in the Internet
One of the Favorite Books Since Childhood: C S Lewis.. the Adventures of Narnia. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
Favorite Pet: dogs (he has a dog, Obi, his wife gave it to him for Christmas), monkeys
Favorite School Subject: biology
Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper, cherry cola
Education: studied at Mabel Park High School, and studied well, which is strange Before He got Famous he taught a little and worked in Woody's Record store
Worst Performers: Spice Girls
Favorite TV Shows: Seinfeld, Simpsons
If He Was: Simpson - Bart, Spice Girl - Hairy Spice
Dreams to Date: Madonna
His Fear: to be ignored
Virgine or Bitch: bitch
If Not Musician: comediant